Friday, June 21, 2013

A couple last thoughts on tonight

1) Lovely Kabbalat Shabbat service tonight at Moreshet Yisrael - the (mostly Anglo) Conservative synagogue down the road. Beautiful singing! And delicious Shabbat dinner at home. Jonah asked each person to tell their top three things from the past week, and no one could stop at just 3. I'm so grateful that the kids are getting so much from our adventures!

2) Sylvia's first official word in Hebrew is "Shekel." At dinner tonight she told me a story about a few days ago when she had to go to the bathroom and we were near Ben Yehuda Street. So, Abe took her to the McDonalds. They have a system where you get a token from the counter and put it in the door to the bathroom. Abe didn't know the system, so he tried putting in a shekel. It didn't work and he lost the shekel, and then he figured out the token system. So, in Sylvia's words, the story is "Donalds [also, by the way, a new word for her] took our shekel. No, Donalds. Give back our shekel!" (as you might have noticed, Sylvia is entering a bossy 2 year old stage - made so much worse for her by the fact that when she does it, it is so cute, that we all laugh at her). For example, today Ella said she was going to have some juice. And Sylvia replied, "No, Ella. No drink juice. Never!" and when I asked her why Ella shouldn't drink juice, she answered, "because, NO!"

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love two year olds ( or else they can make you crazy). Shabbat Shalom.
