Saturday, June 15, 2013

Jerusalem - Our first 2 days (Jonah's perspective)

Right now, it is our second day, and we just got back from seeing the confirmation class from Toledo who are here in Israel too. We took a walking tour with half of them because the other half went back to their hostel to sleep. We saw a windmill and the King David Hotel. The King David Hotel is really fancy and on the floor they have the names of famous people who have been there like Black Eyed Peas and Queen Elizabeth, etc.

Yesterday, we got in at 2 am, and stayed at the airport until 5 because we wanted to get Israeli cell phones, but there were problems. We took a taxi from the airport in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We found our apartment and it was really cool and nice. It has really good air conditioning and the beds are really comfortable. When we got here, we went shopping for food and then we took a long nap. After that, we went to the shuk, which is really loud and crowded market - especially right before Shabbat. First when you get there, you notice the good smells, like spices and food. You need to push through the crowds to get through. We bought hummus and pita, challah, raisins, granola, olive oil, rugelach (which is REALLY good), schnitzel, and fruit and vegetables, etc. On the way home, we stopped for falafel near Ben Yehuda Street, which was delicious. It was like burritos with falafel and lettuce and salad and onions. After we came home and put all of the food away and I watched Diego with Sylvia in Hebrew. And then, a bit later, we went to our former Rabbi's house, the Leff s for Shabbat Dinner. We had Indian style food with really good lentil soup. Their daughter's Katherine, Devorah, and Lizzy told us about their schools and some of the things they like to do. We came home and slept really late this morning.

Here are some photos I took of our apartment.


  1. Nana and Allen were among the celebrities who stayed at the King David. Was our photo there?

  2. I can't imagine how they overlooked that! Nice place to stay :)
