Saturday, July 20, 2013

Eilat (Day 2)

Parks pass strikes again..that thing is too good to be true. The Eilat beaches near the hotel zone are nice, but crowded and touristy. A few miles south just before the Egyptian border, is a national park called Coral Beach. We spent the entire day there - 10 am until it closed at 5. There is a long stretch of sandy beach, with wonderful shady shelters and chairs, a breeze off the water, and an amazing half kilometer long snorkeling trail along a coral reef filled with fish of amazing variety, colors, and sizes. Clown fish, parrot fish, blue spotted rays, angelfish, damsel fish, blue tangs, and lots, lots more that I don't know the names of, not to mention a terrific variety of beautiful corals.

We followed this with a visit to the Ice Mall - a cool round mall with an ice rink in the middle of it. There was open skating and then a short, impressive ice show which we watched. We thought we'd have dinner there, but Eilat surprised up by how many things are closed on Shabbat (including many of the restaurants). So, we got the kids dinner at a pasta place near the hostel, and the grownups got a night out at an Italian restaurant in the hotel district. Very nice, and very lively in downtown Eilat as Shabbat ended

1 comment:

  1. Allen reminds me that the Coral Beach you were at was designed by the same people who did Coral World on Coki Beach in St. Thomas that we all went to several years ago. We both laughed out loud at the photo of Sylvia with the snorkel on her head. It was great to speak with you this morning. So happy you got the phone all worked out!
