Saturday, August 3, 2013

A classic Tel Aviv day

Watching glass making at the art fair
If Tel Aviv had a mantra, it would be "Shop, eat, beach" and that's exactly what we did today, making for an excellent Tel Aviv day. We started out the morning by helping my Dad and Jussara get checked into their hotel. Then, they headed off to the Diaspora Museum while we went to meet Harley and Gabrielle on Nahalat Benyamin Street (We have a more active social calendar in Tel Aviv than we do in Toledo!)

Friday mornings on Nahalat Benyamin street there is a really terrific crafts market. Beautiful, unique handmade things, being sold by the artists themselves, for reasonable prices in a great pedestrian setting. Although I rarely agree to let Abe buy me jewelry, we found two beautiful necklaces for me there (and Ella found a necklace and a ring). The first necklace and Ella's ring were handpainted on glass. The second
necklaces were made by an Argentinian man (and his son helped with the sales). Ella's is a gorgeous hamsa with a woman's face in it and a thread of raw unpolished silver running through it. Mine is two silver triangles which fall into a Jewish star with blue stones on either side of it. We looked at many other clever and beautiful things (wallets made from pink bamba packaging, coasters made from vintage Israeli advertisements or children's books, adorable handsewn puppets and dolls, and much more).

After the fair, we continued our window shopping up Rothschild Blvd. stopping for lunch at Cacao. The food was very good, but the service was slow, so the waitress offered us a free dessert. We chose an amazing concoction of 2 waffles with shaved white chocolate on them, served with fresh whipped cream, caramel sauce, sliced bananas, and candied pecans. Yum!

To top off our shopping extravaganza, we walked along Shenkin Street - known as a trendy, cool place to shop in Tel Aviv. We didn't buy much, but we enjoyed the window shopping! We loved the first aid candy store, where you could choose a medicine bottle or syringe, a type of candy, and a personalized label with a red cross on it, for a special occasion or a pick me up for a friend. There were some great clothing shops, nice jewelry shops, and lots more.

Dizengoff play area

At this point we parted ways with Harley and Gabrielle. We were really shopped-out, but we wanted to look for a specific thing for Noa for a bat mitzvah gift. So Abe and Jonah took Sylvia to the awesome play area in Dizengoff center while Ella and I made one last pass for the gift (no luck, but we think we know where to get it now). Sylvia had a ball in the play area and hated to leave!

Namal playground
We had a short rest at home and then took one of the last Friday afternoon buses to the namal. Jonah and Sylvia had another long playground time (the namal playground is fantastic!). We headed toward services on the boardwalk, but on the way discovered the juggler and stopped to watch him for a while first. We finally made it to services where Grandpa Dave and Jussara joined us.  The services were beautiful, as before, and then we all enjoyed a really excellent dinner and a long walk home on the tayelet. We got home around midnight, completely worn out but having had exactly the kind of day Tel Aviv was meant for.

Conquering the climbing wall

Juggler at the Namal

Another beautiful Tel Aviv sunset

1 comment:

  1. Sylvia on the climbing wall is quite a sight! Good thing I wasn't there to gasp. We got your green dried flower picture at that craft market; the jewelry sounds beautiful. Good for you - a nice rememberance of your trip.
