Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wrapping up

It's been a hectic last few days, so this will be sketchy.

- Southern wall excavations and Davidson center. Awesome tour. Very cool computer model of second temple. Exhibit of coins found near Temple mount both local and from around the world. Roman mile marker noting 1 mile from Jerusalem, that never made it to the right location (thrown away in the workshop when they had to scratch out the governor's name?)
- Last falafel in Israel in Christian Quarter near Jaffa Gate (Placemats with 6 ways to eat Hummus and what it says about you).
- International Arts Festival with Israeli and international artists, some cute performances for kids, and the kids first rock concert - a guy with a beard and tzitzit (Eviatar Benai) - excellent!

- Pick up car (all Israeli car rentals are a complete balagan. They asked us if we had returned the car from last time! Duh - they checked it in and have it in their garage!)
- Cafe in Modi'in for lunch and then play ground
- Latrun to the Armored Corp Museum and Memorial. Fun to climb on the tanks and moving to learn about the loyalty and camaraderie and challenges of serving in Israel's armored corp.
- Great dinner and hanging out time with Eyal's family in Kiryat Ono. SO welcoming! Dinner, Playground in Ramat Gan, back to house for coffee (long night ahead of us), packing sandwiches for the road...
- Very late to the airport ...

- Traveling all day. Now in Amsterdam, settling in for a long layover.

Really too tired to do a real summary. We're all glad to be going home, where we speak the language, don't feel like someone is trying to take advantage of us all the time, we know the "rules"of daily interactions. Sad to be leaving our wonderful family time together (what a great bonding experience this has been for the kids), and new adventures, sights, smells, and tastes every day (we've all grown and learned so much).

Photos to follow soon...

1 comment:

  1. It's been fun following your adventures and living (most of) them vicariously. We're so glad that you are safely on your way home, and that we will get to see you all soon.
